EMeet 9-Year-Old Smart Girl Who Can Teach Anyone How to Repair Motorcycles

2 min readDec 7, 2021


Meet then wonder girl named Susanna Adjakie-Apekor whom despite being only 9 years of age repairs motorcycles herself like a professional.

The young girl acquired the skill via learning under the tutelage of her father and fixed her first motorcycle at the age of 6.

Susanna boasted of being able to teach anyone how to repair motorcycles at her age and desires to build her own shop in the future.

She also has desires to fix bigger automobiles like cars, boats as well as aeroplanes in the future.

On one occasion, her father had visited her and her mum, the father complained of always being busy explaining that his mechanic work took most of his time. Susana then decided she would like to go and stay with her dad to learn his mechanic work. The mother agreed to the idea and approved that she goes with her father.

At present, Susanna had boasted that she can take anyone through repairing motorcycles at her age effortlessly, Siggy reports. When she began learning, her father had initially feared that the girl may not be able to learn the profession fast but Susanna proved him wrong.

She has however admitted that her learning hasn’t been perfected noting that she is yet to master the electrical aspect of fixing motorcycles.

Speaking on how her daily routine, Susana who is in class 3 said she is a day student and would go to the mechanic workshop after the close of school.





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