71-Year-Old Man Who Attends Primary School Draws Reactions Online (VIDEO)

2 min readJan 22, 2022

Mr. Isaac, a 71-years-old man has revealed that because he wasn’t able to finish school when he was young, he has taken the courage to go back to school. He added that he went some people have advised him to quit but he will keep ignoring them, Siggy reports.

Sharing his story with Afrimax, Isaac also revealed that he could also not attend classes because his family lived very far away from school.

He also added that he shares a class with some children who do not discourage him from going back to school despite his old age.

”After becoming a veteran, most of my friends and neighbours were graduates so I thought, in order to survive in future, I needed to get some skills. I went back to school for the sake of a better future,” Isaac said.

The old man is actually the oldest student in his school and is loved by fellow students specifically his classmates who call him grandpa.

To conclude his interview, Isaac said he hopes that his persistence in education can set a good example for both young boys and girls.





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